The SDG framework was adopted by the United Nations in September 2015 which represents a universal call for action to protect the planet, end poverty and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.
  • Targets 169 Targets
  • Campaigns 25 Campaigns
  • Pledges 24919 Pledges
  • Actions Uploaded 26416 Actions Taken
  • Reading Material 71 Reading Material
  • Quiz 30 Quiz
    • 1-No Poverty
    • 2-Zero Hunger
    • 3-Good Health & Well Being
    • 4-Quality Education
    • 5-Gender Equality
    • 6-Clean Water & Sanitation
    • 7-Affordable & Clean Energy
    • 8-Decent Work & Economic Growth
    • 9-Industries, Innovation & Infrastructure
    • 10-Reduced Inequalities
    • 11-Sustainable Cities & Communities
    • 12-Responsible Consumption & Production
    • 13-Climate Action
    • 14-Life Below Water
    • 15-Life On Land
    • 16-Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
    • 17-Partnerships for Goals