Let’s Learn about the SDGs - Part 2

Here is a fun quiz to learn about all the SDGs.

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Q. 1 Which of the following are criteria for ‘decent work’? (more than 1 answers can be selected)

Answer Detail: Decent work is work that offers dignity to the person doing it, i.e. due respect but also a balanced family life. It includes access to productive and appropriately paid work, safety at work and social protection for families, better personal development prospects and social integration, equal opportunities and treatment for all, etc.

SDG 8 fact - 1/5th of young people are not in education, training or employment

Q. 2 Which of these cities are often included in the top 10 ‘greenest’ cities in the world? (More than one answers can be selected)

Answer Detail: Different criteria are used by different organisations to measure how ‘green’ a city is, but they usually include the percentage of public green spaces, how much energy is from renewable energy, how much of the population use public transport to get to work, level of air pollution, availability of recycling and water consumption.

SDG 9 fact - Roads, water, electricity and sanitation facilities are still scarce in many developing countries

Q. 3 How much of the world’s wealth does the richest 1% of the population have?

Answer Detail: In 2017, the richest 1% of the world’s population held 50.1% of the world’s wealth. (The poorest 70% of the world’s working age population people together hold only 2.7% of the global wealth)

SDG 10 fact – Almost 2 in 7 people have experienced discrimination on at least one of the grounds established by international human rights law.

Q. 4 From highest to lowest, which type of transport is the most polluting on a 10Km journey in a city?

1. Metro
2. Bus
3. Car
4. Bicycle / Rickshaw
5. Scooter / Motorbike
6. Auto

Answer Detail: One of the targets in SDG 11 focuses on affordable sustainable transport systems for all, another on reducing the environmental impact of cities. Other targets include affordable and safe housing and strengthening efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage.

SDG 11 fact – More that half the world’s population is living in cities, and that is expected to rise to 60% by 2030

Q. 5 What proportion of the world’s food is wasted or thrown away?

Answer Detail: More than 1/3rd of the food produced for human consumption ends up being lost or wasted, i.e. 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted per year. Wastage is a chronic problem across the world. The proportion of food wasted has doubled since 1974.

SDG 12 fact – By 2050 we will need the equivalent of 3 planets to sustain our current lifestyles.

Q. 6 What are some of the easiest ways to combat climate change?

Answer Detail: There are too many simple ways through which we can combat climate change in our everyday lives. Visit the ‘SDG Tip For Daily Life’ page on the ‘BSG for SDG’ app to get more ideas.

Q. 7 True or false?

At the current rate there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish by 2050.

Answer Detail: There is more than 150 million tonnes of plastic waste floating in the oceans and this could double by 2050. If no action is taken now, this waste will weigh more than all the fish put together.

SDG 14 fact - Over 3 billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihood.

Q. 8 Stopping the forests from disappearing is really important in combating climate change because…

Answer Detail: Rainforests are responsible for roughly one-third (28%) of the Earth's oxygen. Though most (70%) of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by marine plants and the remaining 2% of Earth's oxygen comes from other sources. The main systems which produce a surplus of oxygen are rainforests and sea algae.

SDG 15 fact – Forests are home to more than 80% of the world’s species of animals and plants.

Q. 9 ‘Blue Helmets’ is the nickname of which group of people?

Answer Detail: ‘Blue Helmets’ is the name given to soldiers working for the UN peacekeeping mission. The name comes from the fact that they wear a “UN blue” helmet. This enables them to be clearly distinguished from other soldiers.

SDG 16 fact –The  Global Peace Index (GPI)* reported Iceland, New Zealand, Portugal, Austria and Denmark as the top 5 most peaceful  countries in 2020

Q. 10 How many countries are partner members of the United Nations?

Answer Detail: 193 out of 197 countries are partner members of the UN.

SDG 17 fact – International cooperation and external finance are crucial to help developing countries cope with the impact of COVID-19