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Positive Peace

The concept of peace as ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ was coined by Norwegian sociologist Prof. Johan Galtung, also known as the father of peace studies. Positive peace, also known as structural peace, deals with creating the necessary social conditions for all people to thrive. It includes building bonds of trust and fraternity in the local community, providing quality education, public healthcare and decent employment opportunities to all; ensuring gender equality; eliminating corruption; and creating a sound business environment among other things. In short, factors that make a society worth living, that encourage positive relationships between people. Whereas, negative peace relates to the absence of violence (for example: through an immediate ceasefire, signing of a peace agreement etc).

Our local communities hold the space where this vision of positive peace can be actualised through building strong ties of friendship, mutual trust, peace in the community by treasuring our neighbours, celebrating our diversity, where each citizen feels valued and empowered to lead a contributive life, irrespective of their gender, age, ability, race, language etc.

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