Making investments with an eye towards social, environmental and financial returns. Investors and funds that “screen” companies that violate environmental, social, or other values (across a wide variety of issues, such as: worker’s rights, child labor, minority hiring practices, gender equality, environmental practices, animal rights, foreign investment, charitable giving, etc.) refuse to invest in companies whose behaviors don’t pass the screens. There can be as many interpretations and prioritizations of issue screens as there are individuals.
To monitor the progress of the Sustainable Development Goals, a way of measuring progress is needed. An SDG Indicator is the element that is measured. Example: if the goal is to en...
A complex system that regulates its own performance so that it never gets too far off-balance and can bring itself back into homeostasis.
A system of interactions and actors that, together, create a sustainable and successful service or experience. Service Ecologies often include several companies or organizations th...